Want to customize the WordPress backend interface? Try these plugins

I saw a friend leaving a message asking Zhang Meng to recommend the code to customize the WordPress backend. My dad had previously shared several plug-ins that can customize the backend interface. Let me share them here.

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Backstage beautification plug-in 1: WpRedesigned

Want to customize the WordPress backend interface? Try these plugins

1. Search for WpRedesignated-Beautiful Custom Admin Theme installation in the WordPress backend, or click the button below to download and upload it to the WordPress website.

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2. When the plug-in is enabled, the new style will be applied in the background, and the interface is as follows.

beautiful-custom-admin-themeThis plug-in that modifies the WordPress background style only works in the background of the website and will not affect the front interface of your website, so don’t worry about slowing down the website.

Currently, this plug-in doesn’t have the option to customize beautification styles, but you can modify its css file yourself to modify some of the display content.

The specific method is to use WP backend, plug-ins, edit plug-ins, then find WpRedesignated-Beautiful Custom Admin Theme, and modify the css style sheet in the css folder.

WordPress后台美化WordPress后台美化WordPress后台美化If you come across something better,WordPress backend beautificationPlug-in, remember to share it with your dad.

Backstage beautification plug-in 2: Fancy Admin UI

Want to customize the WordPress backend interface? Try these plugins

Fancy Admin UI This WordPress background beautification plug-in has not been updated for 2 years, but it is still available. It has a light blue effect and is very fresh. You can customize the display color in the settings.

Fancy Admin UI


WordPress’s management theme is great, but we want to take it one step further. By default, this is a clean blue/gray theme for the management panel, simplifying the interface and making it easier for customers to use. Customize colors by accessing settings general

If you want to view any features or go wrong with other plug-ins, please visit the Support tab and let me know.


  • The blue AdminBar is used on the front and back ends of websites
  • Light gray menu
  • Make larger calls in the “Edit” screen
  • Ability to change custom primary/secondary colors
  • Mobile menu compatibility

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Backstage beautification plug-in 3: Slate Admin Theme

Want to customize the WordPress backend interface? Try these plugins

Slate provides a clean, simplified design for your WordPress Admin area.

Our goal is to simplify visual design, focusing mainly on the content writing experience.

Slate Admin Theme

Slate Admin Theme uses dark color matching by default, and you can also modify css to change color.

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Backstage beautification plug-in 4: Aquila Admin Theme

Want to customize the WordPress backend interface? Try these plugins

Aquila Admin Theme should be thisFive WordPress backend beautification pluginsIt’s the most customizable one.

In addition to modifying the display effect and color of the WP background, it can also customize functions such as LOGO icons and whether to hide display widgets.

Aquila Admin Theme


Material Design inspired customizable color schemes and was redesigned for WordPress Admin (v4.0 and later). By using Mito designed the website for customers, L’Aquila also eliminated unnecessary or potentially confusing areas of project management from end users.

A number of updates have been made to the management area, including:

  • The management area has been redesigned.
  • In the administrative area and login screen, use your own logo instead of the WordPress logo.
  • You can use the color picker to customize the color scheme.
  • Roboto fonts comply with material design guidelines.
  • “Posts” are renamed to “Blog”(can be changed again in “Aquila Settings”).
  • The dashboard metamebox has been deleted and cleaned.
  • Cleanup and simplification of the user “profile” area.
  • New custom icon package.
  • The current user role has been added as an administrator body class.
  • Delete “Hello…” from the upper right corner.
  • The login screen has been redesigned.
  • The management column is messy.
  • New dashboard widgets.
  • WordPress and plugins support links on dashboards.
  • “Update” notifications hidden in the editor.
  • Removed “Post Format” from the post.
  • Multi-site support.
  • Gutenberg’s support.
  • View server information directly on the dashboard.
  • The media library supports clear PNG images.
  • The Aquila Settings page controls most of these options.

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Backstage beautification plug-in 5: Add Admin CSS

Want to customize the WordPress backend interface? Try these plugins

Add Admin CSS, a background beautification plug-in, is different from the above four. It helps you customize the background css style. It does not have its own background beautification effect. You need to design your own css code to achieve background beautification.

Add Admin CSS


Have you ever thought about adjusting the appearance of a WordPress management page by hiding content, moving content, changing fonts, colors, sizes, etc.? You can easily make any changes to CSS through this plug-in.

Using this plug-in, you can easily define additional CSS (inline and/or URL files) to add to all administrative pages. You can define CSS to appear inline in the management header (within the style tag), or reference the CSS file to be linked (via the “link rel =’stylesheet'” tag). The referenced CSS files will appear first in the management header and are listed in the order defined in the plug-in settings. Then add any inline CSS to the management header.

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Original link: blog.naibabiji.com/files/wordpress-hou-tai-mei-hua.html


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