One-click all-site optimization plug-in from I Love Boiled Fish: WPJAM-Basic

WPJAM Basic is an optimization plug-in that I Love Boiled Fish Blog has used WordPress to organize for many years. Its main function is to remove some unused functions in WordPress, such as article revisions, etc., and to provide some frequently used functions, such as getting the first picture in the article, getting the article summary, etc.

If your host has memory caching components such as Memcacached and the corresponding WordPress plug-in installed, this plug-in also provides optimized versions of object caching for some commonly used plug-ins and functions.

article directories

Install WPJAM Basic

The WPJAM Basic version requires very high servers and only supports Linux servers. It is recommended that PHP 7.2 and aboveandSupport ROOT permissions

The following is a simple installation process, please refer to it strictly:

  1. Download: WPJAM Basic, Upload wpjam-basic directory to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Recommended but not installed, but if you install WeChat robots or Mini programs plug-ins at the same time, you must install: After installing the Memcached server and the PHP Memcached extension, you will install the wpjam-basic/template/ directory under the object-cache.php files are copied to wp-content Under the catalog.
  3. Activate the plug-in and start setting up and using it.

Let’s explain the powerful functions of WPJAM Basic one by one:

optimization settings

The optimization settings function is the first function of WPJAM Basic. It can be said that it is compiled based on my love boiled fish blog for many years of experience using WordPress. Please click here for specific optimization and blocking functions for optimization settings.

WPJAM Basic - 优化设置 - 功能屏蔽

Style customization

The style customization function is also the earliest feature developed by WPJAM Basic. The idea is also very simple. It allows users to enter some customization code in Head Footer in three main different interfaces of WordPress to customize the style of the website.

One-click all-site optimization plug-in from I Love Boiled Fish: WPJAM-Basic

CDN acceleration

Static resource CDN acceleration has also become a necessity for website construction or operation, which is also the most basic function of WPJAM Basic.

WPJAM Basic - CDN加速 - CDN设置

If you are a theme developer, I also provide a CDN third-party development interface for you to conduct customized development.

Thumbnail settings

If our blog already uses a third-party cloud storage service and the third-party cloud storage service supports dynamic photo editing, we can use the cloud storage photo editing service to dynamically clip images without pre-definition. This is the origin of the WPJAM Basic plug-in thumbnail setting function, and allows you to define your thumbnail images in more depth:

WPJAM Basic - 缩略图设置

system information

The system information function is a new feature in version 3.0. This function is created to quickly view the current system status in real time in the WordPress background.

WPJAM Basic - 系统信息 - 服务器


In order to make it easier for plug-in or theme developers to select Dashicons, I integrated the Dashicons function in the WPJAM Basic plug-in, listing all Dashicons, the name and HTML code of each Dashicon.

WPJAM Basic - Dashicons 列表

timed job

The scheduled job management function allows you to visually manage scheduled jobs in WordPress.

WPJAM Basic - CDN加速 - 定时作业列表

Extension Management

I have extended some functions that are not commonly used by most people but are very useful to some people, put them into extension management, and you can enable them according to your own needs.

One-click all-site optimization plug-in from I Love Boiled Fish: WPJAM-Basic

The following picture shows the WPJAM menu with all current extensions activated:

One-click all-site optimization plug-in from I Love Boiled Fish: WPJAM-Basic

short code

WPJAM Basic also has some built-in Shortcodes that may be often used to make it easier for you to insert complex format content when editing articles. Currently, email, list, table, youku, and qqv are supported.

Download: WPJAM Basic, if you have any problems with using it, please go to the author’s blog for feedback:

Recommend another plug-in that I love boiled fish: WordPress WeChat interworking plug-in: WeChat Robot Advanced Edition


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