Max Mega Menu plugin for WordPress Hypernavigation Menu

Recently, in projects, giant menus have to be used to display product categories. Generally, websites with relatively many product categories require similar functions. It was finally decided to use the Max Mega Menu plug-in to implement it.

article directories

Max Mega Menu Function Introduction

The free version of the Max Mega Menu is more powerful and will automatically convert one or more of your existing menus into super menus. You can then add any WordPress gadget to the menu, use the theme editor to reset the menu, and use built-in settings to change menu behavior.

Max Mega Menu is a complete menu management plug-in that is great for controlling your existing menus and transforming them into user-friendly, accessible and easy-to-touch menus with just a few clicks.

Mobile optimization

  • Automatically supports native touch events
  • Built-in “Close Canvas Move Menu” option
  • Specify your own response breakpoints
  • For items with submenus, choose between “First click to open the submenu, second click to close the submenu” or “First click to open the submenu, second click to follow the link.”
  • Hide options from sub-menus on your phone
  • Mobile Toggle Bar Designer allows you to customize toggle bar elements to suit your website design

main function

  • Standards-based WordPress menu system
  • Supports multiple menu locations, each with its own configuration
  • Non-canvas (sliding in from left or right) or standard drop-down mobile menu
  • Use the Grid Layout builder to organize submenus in rows and columns
  • Display WordPress widgets in the menu
  • Customize menu styles using the built-in theme editor
  • Support pop-up (traditional) or Mega Menu submenu styles
  • Hover, hover over intent or click on event to open submenu
  • Fade in, fade in, swipe up or swipe submenu transition
  • Add icons to menu items
  • Menu item options include “Hide Text”,”Disable Links”,”Hide on Phone” and more
  • Align menu items on the left or right side of the menu bar
  • Align the submenu with the left or right side of the parent menu item


  • Built-in keyboard navigation
  • TAB Activate keyboard navigation and browse menus
  • ENTEROpen the submenu (ENTERThe second press will follow the “second click behavior” setting)
  • ENTER Links on standard products
  • SPACE Switch the visibility of submenus
  • ESC Close all open submenus

Paid version function

  • Tabbed Super Menu
  • Sticky Menu
  • Vertical and accordion menus
  • FontAwesome 5, Genericon and custom icons
  • Customize project styles
  • Menu Logo
  • search box
  • WooCommerce and EDD support
  • Google Fonts
  • Roles and limitations
  • Additional mobile switching block

Max Mega Menu Settings and Preview

General SettingsAllow you to set some basic behaviors and functions:

Max Mega Menu plugin for WordPress Hypernavigation Menu

menu themeUsed to set the layout and style of the menu, and you can control almost all styles of the menu:

Max Mega Menu plugin for WordPress Hypernavigation Menu

inAppearance-MenuInterface, you can turn on super menu support for certain menus, as follows:

Max Mega Menu plugin for WordPress Hypernavigation Menu

The following is a demonstration of the effects of the navigation menu created by Mengmeng using Max Mega Menu, including the effects on PC and mobile phones:

Max Mega Menu plugin for WordPress Hypernavigation Menu
Max Mega Menu plugin for WordPress Hypernavigation Menu

Max Mega Menu Download

You can search the Max Mega Menu in the background plug-in installation interface to install online, or download it from the official plug-in library and install it manually: The plug-in already comes with a Chinese language pack.

The free version of Max Mega Menu can already meet most requirements, and the paid version is more powerful. Friends in need can consider purchasing the paid version on their own.


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