What are WordPress Salts keys and why use them

A WordPress Salts key or authentication key can enhance the security of a site by adding an extra layer of protection to login credentials.

If you already have a WordPress website, you must know that your username and password are the first and most important WordPress security measure to prevent others from accessing your website. But what if your website is hacked?

Don’t worry, WordPress Salts can effectively avoid this crisis.

This article will teach you how WordPress Salts work and how to use them.

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What is a WordPress Salts key?

A WordPress Salts key or authentication key is a random data string containing eight variables used to encrypt credentials. They have been added to your password to further protect your WordPress login information. This ensures that your password is not vulnerable to brute force attacks and hacker-like attacks.

WordPress Salts keys are stored in the root directory of the WordPress websitewp-config.phpIn the document. As shown in the box part below:

What are WordPress Salts keys and why use them

When you log in to the dashboard, multiple cookies are created that contain login information (that iswordpress_[hash]andwordpress_logged_in_[hash]and store it in your browser.

Using WordPress Salts keys, your login details will be hashed, which means they will be encrypted using a random sequence of strings.

In short, every time sensitive data (such as username and password) is entered, the WordPress Salts key regenerates the plain text used as the password into randomly encrypted text.

How to change WordPress Salts key?

If you frequently log in to websites from your own or public computer, it is best to change your WordPress Salts key frequently as this reduces the risk of leaking your login credentials.

Even though WordPress Salts keys can already help you protect your WordPress website, changing them regularly is an effective way to enhance the security of your website.


Whenever you change or regenerate a key, you and all users who log in to your site will automatically log out. However, after changing the WordPress Salts key, you can still log in to your site. Therefore, if you suspect hacking, you can log out all users at the same time by changing the Salts key.

There are two ways to change WordPress Salts keys:

Method 1. Manual update

Go directly to https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ to get the new Salts key, copy and paste it and replace it.wp-config.phpOld ones are fine.

What are WordPress Salts keys and why use them

Method 2. Use plug-ins to automatically update

Salt Shakeris a free WordPress security plug-in for automated regeneration of Salts keys. Therefore, you can modify the default variables for your Salts key without encoding.

Once you install and activate it, just manage the backend “Tools “You can just set up the page.

What are WordPress Salts keys and why use them

You only need to select the interval to change the frequency of the automatic authentication key. You can create schedules every day, week, month, quarter, or year. After setting the interval, your WordPress Salts key will be automatically updated.

However, if you need to change them immediately or at any time, just clickimmediately changeButton.


As you can see, a WordPress Salts key is important to protecting your website because it provides additional protection for your website login credentials.

You can manually change the Salts key for your site at any time. Of course, you can also make changes through the Salt Shaker plug-in and set regular updates.


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