Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API

The REST API is a common exchange language that every website and application can use to communicate. It allows you to use so-called HTTP commands (GET、POST、PUTandDELETE)Obtain data from remote sources such as third-party applications. The REST API is flexible software because it returns data in a variety of formats. However, the WP REST API only sends and receives data in JSON format.

Web developers value it highly because it does not require additional protocols to function properly. The WordPress REST API is an autonomous system that is good in itself. But like anything, REST APIs can be made better through plug-ins. In today’s article, I’ll review several WordPress REST API plug-ins to try and find out if they’re worth a try. I’ll talk about what they do-it’s the best way to understand what additional tasks they can accomplish.& nbsp;

article directories

Ultimate Endpoints With Rest Api

Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API

Ultimate Endpoints is a WP REST API plug-in that allows you to add custom endpoints, or routes, to the WordPress REST API. You can do this through the convenient settings panel and then manage API requests and responses. Its user interface provides an uncompromising experience.

API creation here takes a few seconds. You need to generate a key for authentication and then create a custom endpoint URL in the appropriate tab. No fluff. You can further use this newly incubated endpoint to send requests to the server and retrieve any necessary data.& nbsp;

Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API

You can attach custom code to theFilter HookTo upgrade it. First, it makes the API actionable; second, it allows you to accept all request parameters. nbsp;

main function

  • Key creation/deactivation

As mentioned earlier, the key is designed to invoke a custom endpoint URL. By default, the plug-in provides a ROOT private key. The complete key list is located on the Secret List tab. If needed, deactivate the key which will simplify data delivery as required.

  • Create endpoint URL

The Ultimate Endpoints plug-in immediately registers new routes using the parameters you define in the Endpoint URLs tab. Clicking on this endpoint URL provides a “Connected OK” response, which means you can get a feasible route in 10 seconds.

  • Saving and deleting API request/response logs

You can see a record of all requests and responses in the Log tab. This feature is optional and can be deactivated in the Settings Panel. In this way, the system will not capture API history.& nbsp;   

  • Recent activity record

As a website administrator, you can set the number of days to track recent activity (up to 6 days). The plug-in records every little thing related to the custom endpoint you create.

download the plug-in

JetEngine REST API

Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API

The REST API and custom endpoints are a complex JetEngine feature that is considered a good alternative to the full-featured WordPress REST API plug-ins. It allows custom endpoints to be managed through the four most popular API methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. It allows you to create connections between Sites A and B, forms and websites, applications and websites, and third-party APIs and websites.

In terms of functionality, the JetEngine REST API is second to none. It allows you to manage data remotely and extract it quickly and efficiently to the front end.

main function

  • REST API endpoints for customized content types

This feature allows you to create custom tables with any structure in the admin panel, and then use REST API endpoints to get and edit data from these database tables.

Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API
  • List of REST APIs 

Using this feature, you can get a list of any data from third-party REST APIs, output this list on any page on your website, and adjust the appearance of list items in visual editors (Elementor and Gutenberg). nbsp;

Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API
  • REST API request notification for forms

To see the actual effect of this feature, select the “REST API” notification type in the form settings. It allows forms on your website to send requests to any given third-party API-just set it up in the admin panel.

WP REST API Controller

Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API

This is a free WP REST API plug-in that allows webmasters to manage CPT and classification visibility through a convenient UI. Thanks to the WP REST API Controller, you can expose custom article types and classification data to the REST API and customize the endpoints through which data will be transferred. You can edit the endpoint URL and change the initial meta key name.

Alternatively, this plug-in allows you to enable/disable API response visibility and customize the metadata assigned to it.

Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API

main function

  • Make custom article types accessible/inaccessible to REST APIs;
  • Enable/disable custom article types and classification API endpoints;
  • Manage CPT/classification metadata by adding or deleting metadata from API requests;
  • Edit endpoint names for default and custom article types;
  • Make metadata attributes in REST API requests more user-friendly by renaming;
  • Monitor and manage data and article types created by third-party themes and plug-ins;
  • Include various filters to modify default functions;
  • No code control of API responses.

download the plug-in

REST API Toolbox

Another free WordPress REST API plug-in that allows you to change multiple REST API settings. It’s easy to install the REST API Toolbox and get started using it. This is a viable approach for those who have not yet used the REST API or are willing to protect their data from unauthorized access. Using this plug-in, you can define authentication methods and permissions to access each REST API endpoint: no authentication, access only through authentication, or never available. In this way, you can ensure safe and uncompromised use of REST APIs.

Use these WordPress plug-ins to extend the REST API

main function

  • Disable REST API and JSONP support;
  • Assign custom prefixes to REST APIs;
  • Remove the WP core endpoint and require it to be authenticated;
  • Remove the custom article type endpoint and require it to be authenticated;
  • Mandatory SSL;
  • Support WP-CLI command (wp rest-api-toolbox).

download the plug-in


There is no doubt that the WP REST API is a complex system with many internal and external connections. Its functionality performs well “as is” but there is always room for improvement. In view of this, I found that WordPress has a variety of REST API plug-ins that can adjust default features, extend or even disable it. While some plug-ins can make subtle changes to the core of the WP REST API (such as adding custom prefixes), others can make custom article types, classifications, and API response data invisible to third parties. There is additional software to log activity and track custom responses and API requests.

Last but not least, some plug-ins can help you visualize REST API data in the grid and collect form data from different sources into predefined endpoint URLs. nbsp;


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