WordPress 5.6.2 has been released, fixing 5 issues
WordPress 5.6.2 has been released, and this maintenance version includes 5 bug fixes. These errors will affect WordPress version 5.6.1, so you need to upgrade.
WordPress 5.6.2 is a small maintenance release focused on fixing user-facing issues discovered in 5.6.1. The next major release will be version 5.7, which is currently scheduled to be released on March 9, 2021.
Block Editor error fixes:
- #52396: When you click the Replace button in the image block, the pop-up image options are invisible.
- #52449: You cannot change the font size of paragraph blocks in 5.6.1.
- GH-26583: Restoring block preview in block inserter.
Other bug fixes:
- #52440: If the article title, summary, or article content fields are missing, you can prevent “leave site” browser alerts in the classic editor.
- #52449: Avoid fatal errors in PHP 8.0 when disabling the “zip” PHP extension.
A complete list of bug fixes included in this release can be found in the Gutenberg repository on Trac and GitHub.
You can download WordPress 5.6.2 directly or visit Dashboard → Update Screen, and then click updated immediately。If your sites support automatic background updates, they have already started the update process.